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關於dr soles的評價, Pazu 薯伯伯

自己香港自己救:全民抗疫之開門三件事 文:薯伯伯 疫情蔓延之時,家中門口旁邊的櫃子,放了消毒三寶。近來每次從外邊回家,一打開門,必會做足三件事。 消毒三寶分別是: 1,世衛配方酒精甘...

<3 FOOT HEALTH TALK AT SUNFEET INTERNATIONAL REHAB CENTRE BY DR EDMUND LEE <3 . Auntie Lilly was at Sunfeet International Rehab centre attending Foot Health Talk by Dr Edmund Lee yesterday. . The talk focus on causes of foot pain, tips & advice on how to overcome the pain, get treated by wearing shoes with orthotic soles. Indeed a great weekend for my hubby & I knows more about general foot health & how to care for our ageing feet, the most neglected part of the body.... See More
